Prepare for the Global World with a Master in Management from Audencia

Earn a Master’s degree that prepares you for today’s business environment

Our Master in Management (Grande Ecole) programme gives you exceptional opportunities to specialise in areas that interest you while building international work experience. With a degree from one of France’s elite Grande Ecole programmes, the quality of your training is recognised no matter where you go.

Why Choose Our Master in Management?

Students from all over the world choose to enrol in our Master in Management (Grande Ecole) programme for a variety of reasons. These include:
At Audencia, students evolve into leaders capable of handling the complex issues which accompany a globalising economy. Our Master in Management equips you to respond to challenges innovatively, with an emphasis on social responsibility.

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Enhance Your Career Prospects

With the extensive resources and guidance available at Audencia, you’ll be more than prepared to land a job upon graduation.
What’s more, the expertise in corporate social responsibility you gain from our Master in Management programme makes you a great candidate for companies looking toward the future.

Proven Career Outcomes

Our Master in Management (Grande Ecole) programme prepares students for success upon graduation. In fact, 95% of students become employed before or within two months of graduation from our Master in Management (Grande Ecole) programme, while 43% of students find employment through their internship. The international education and advanced management practices you’ll gain will equip you to become a leader in the corporate world, just like thousands of Audience graduates before you.

Ready to Kickstart Your Master in Management?

Are you proficient in English and already have a Bachelor degree from a non-French institution? If so, you’re ready to begin earning your Master in Management (Grande Ecole). Here’s some important programme information to know:
Once you have this timeline in mind, you’re ready to get started in expanding your future with Audencia’s Master in Management (Grande Ecole).

Are you ready to begin earning your Master in Management?